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Korea - North Korea - New Won : Republic (2002-2008) -
Korea - North Korea • Republic 2002-2008
Date 1 chon 5 chon 10 chon 50 chon 1 won
unknown, World
No mintmark
10 chon - Korea10 chon - Korea
Armoiries - Fleur
#17273 • 2002
1 000 000
50 chon - Korea50 chon - Korea
#17276 • 2002
1 000 000
1 won - Korea1 won - Korea
#38596 • 2002
1 000 000
2008 - 97
unknown, World
No mintmark
1 chon - Korea1 chon - Korea
Armoiries - Azalea
#17267 • 2008
1 000 000
5 chon - Korea5 chon - Korea
Armoiries - Fleur
#17270 • 2008
1 000 000