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Jump to table :
Poland - Polish Provinces - Danzig - Zloty : Friedrich Wilhelm III (1801-1812) -
Poland - Danzig - Gulden : Danzig (1923-1937) -
Poland - Grand Duchy of Warszawa - Talar : Friedrich August I (1810-1814) -
Poland - Kingdom - Alexandre I : Regular issue (1816-1841) -
Poland - Kingdom - Nicolas I : First issue (1826-1841) - Second issue (1840-1850) - Revolution (1831) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - Krakow - Province : City (1761-1835) -
Poland - First occupation : Regular issue (1917-1918) -
Poland - Deuxième République : Regular issue (1923-1943) - Commemoratives (1925-1936) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - Posen - Kingdom : Friedrich Wilhelm III (1816-1817) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - East Prussia - Zloty : Friedrich Wilhelm II (1787-1806) - Friedrich III (1800-1811) -
Poland - Lodz - Mark : Ghetto (1942-1943) -
Poland - Kingdom • Revolution 1831
Date 3 grosze 10 groszy 2 zlote 5 zlotych 1 ducat
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
1 ducat - Poland1 ducat - Poland
#36152 • 1831
1831 KG
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
Mark KG
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
Mark KG
3 grosze - Poland3 grosze - Poland
#36115 • 1831
1 111 774
10 groszy - Poland10 groszy - Poland
#36149 • 1831
6 038 148
2 zlote - Poland2 zlote - Poland
#36150 • 1831
5 zlotych - Poland5 zlotych - Poland
Nicolas I
#36151 • 1831
Jump to table :
Poland - Polish Provinces - Danzig - Zloty : Friedrich Wilhelm III (1801-1812) -
Poland - Danzig - Gulden : Danzig (1923-1937) -
Poland - Grand Duchy of Warszawa - Talar : Friedrich August I (1810-1814) -
Poland - Kingdom - Alexandre I : Regular issue (1816-1841) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - Krakow - Province : City (1761-1835) -
Poland - First occupation : Regular issue (1917-1918) -
Poland - Deuxième République : Regular issue (1923-1943) - Commemoratives (1925-1936) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - Posen - Kingdom : Friedrich Wilhelm III (1816-1817) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - East Prussia - Zloty : Friedrich Wilhelm II (1787-1806) - Friedrich III (1800-1811) -
Poland - Lodz - Mark : Ghetto (1942-1943) -
Poland • Regular issue 1917-1918
Date 1 fenig 5 fenigow 10 fenigow 20 fenigow
1917 F
Stuttgart Mint, Germany F
Letter F : F
5 fenigow - Poland5 fenigow - Poland
#6303 • 1917-1918
18 700 000
10 fenigow - Poland10 fenigow - Poland
#6306 • 1917-1918
30 000 000
20 fenigow - Poland20 fenigow - Poland
#6307 • 1917-1918
1 900 000
SP 1917 F
Stuttgart Mint, Germany F
Letter F : F
1917 F
Stuttgart Mint, Germany F
Letter F : F
3 000 000
1918 F
Stuttgart Mint, Germany F
Letter F : F
1 fenig - Poland1 fenig - Poland
#6302 • 1918
51 484 000
22 690 000
14 990 000
19 000 000
SP 1918 F
Stuttgart Mint, Germany F
Letter F : F
Jump to table :
Poland - Polish Provinces - Danzig - Zloty : Friedrich Wilhelm III (1801-1812) -
Poland - Danzig - Gulden : Danzig (1923-1937) -
Poland - Grand Duchy of Warszawa - Talar : Friedrich August I (1810-1814) -
Poland - Kingdom - Alexandre I : Regular issue (1816-1841) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - Krakow - Province : City (1761-1835) -
Poland - First occupation : Regular issue (1917-1918) -
Poland - Deuxième République : Regular issue (1923-1943) - Commemoratives (1925-1936) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - Posen - Kingdom : Friedrich Wilhelm III (1816-1817) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - East Prussia - Zloty : Friedrich Wilhelm II (1787-1806) - Friedrich III (1800-1811) -
Poland - Lodz - Mark : Ghetto (1942-1943) -
Poland • Regular issue 1923-1943
Date 1 grosz 2 grosze 5 groszy 10 groszy 20 groszy 50 groszy 1 zloty 2 zlote 2 zlote 5 zlotych 5 zlotych 5 zlotych 5 zlotych 10 zlotych 10 zlotych
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
1 grosz - Poland1 grosz - Poland
Deuxième République
#6309 • 1923-1943 (1923-1939)
30 000 000
2 grosze - Poland2 grosze - Poland
Deuxième République
#6310 • 1923-1939
10 000 000
5 groszy - Poland5 groszy - Poland
Deuxième République
#6312 • 1923-1943 (1923-1939)
32 000 000
10 groszy - Poland10 groszy - Poland
Deuxième République
#6314 • 1923-1943 (1923)
100 000 000
20 groszy - Poland20 groszy - Poland
Deuxième République
#6315 • 1923-1943 (1923)
150 000 000
50 groszy - Poland50 groszy - Poland
Deuxième République
#6316 • 1923-1943 (1923-1938)
100 000 000
PL 1923
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
SP 1923
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
Monnaie de Paris, France
No mintmark : Paris
Cornucopia : Régie des Monnaies
Torch : Henri Auguste Patey
Monnaie de Paris, France
No mintmark : Paris
Cornucopia : Régie des Monnaies
Torch : Henri Auguste Patey
Monnaie de Paris, France
No mintmark : Paris
Cornucopia : Régie des Monnaies
Torch : Henri Auguste Patey
1 zloty - Poland1 zloty - Poland
Deuxième République - Femme
#6317 • 1924-1925
16 000 000
2 zlote - Poland2 zlote - Poland
Deuxième République - Femme
#6319 • 1924-1925
8 200 000
The United States Mint, United States of America
No mintmark
1924 H
Royal Mint, England H
Letter H : Heaton
1 200 000
SP 1924 H
Royal Mint, England H
Letter H : Heaton
Royal Mint, England
No mintmark
24 000 000
11 000 000
Date 1 grosz 2 grosze 5 groszy 10 groszy 20 groszy 50 groszy 1 zloty 2 zlote 2 zlote 5 zlotych 5 zlotych 5 zlotych 5 zlotych 10 zlotych 10 zlotych
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
40 000 000
39 000 000
45 500 000
The United States Mint, United States of America
No mintmark
5 200 000
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
17 000 000
15 300 000
Sans lettre d'atelier
Royal Mint, England
No mintmark
5 zlotych - Poland5 zlotych - Poland
Ange de la Victoire
#6324 • 1928-1932
10 000 000
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
13 600 000
13 400 000
8 900 000
Avec marque d'atelier
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
7 500 000
Royal Mint, England
No mintmark
1 zloty - Poland1 zloty - Poland
Deuxième République - Eagle
#6318 • 1929
32 000 000
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
22 500 000
20 000 000
14 200 000
5 900 000
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
9 000 000
9 500 000
1 500 000
2 200 000
Royal Mint, England
No mintmark
5 zlotych - Poland5 zlotych - Poland
Reine Jadwiga
#6326 • 1932-1934
3 000 000
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
Reine Jadwiga
#6330 • 1932-1933
6 000 000
Date 1 grosz 2 grosze 5 groszy 10 groszy 20 groszy 50 groszy 1 zloty 2 zlote 2 zlote 5 zlotych 5 zlotych 5 zlotych 5 zlotych 10 zlotych 10 zlotych
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
12 000 000
6 500 000
2 zlote - Poland2 zlote - Poland
Reine Jadwiga
#6320 • 1932-1934
15 700 000
3 100 000
1 000 000
3 100 000
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
7 000 000
7 000 000
9 250 000
11 000 100
2 800 000
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
5 900 000
9 350 000
2 zlote - Poland2 zlote - Poland
Josef Pilsudski
#6321 • 1934-1936
10 425 000
5 zlotych - Poland5 zlotych - Poland
Josef Pilsudski - Type 2
#6328 • 1934-1938
6 510 000
5 zlotych - Poland5 zlotych - Poland
Josef Pilsudski - Type 1
#6327 • 1934
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
Josef Pilsudski - Type 2
#6334 • 1934-1939
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
Josef Pilsudski - Type 1
#6333 • 1934
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
7 300 000
5 800 000
4 660 000
1 800 000
1 670 000
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
12 600 000
5 800 000
4 660 000
1 800 000
2 130 000
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
17 370 000
17 360 000
9 050 000
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
20 530 000
20 530 000
17 300 000
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
12 000 000
12 000 000
10 000 000
1 000 000
1923 (1943)
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
42 175 000
40 025 000
1938 (1943)
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
32 000 000
Date 1 grosz 2 grosze 5 groszy 10 groszy 20 groszy 50 groszy 1 zloty 2 zlote 2 zlote 5 zlotych 5 zlotych 5 zlotych 5 zlotych 10 zlotych 10 zlotych
1938 (1943)
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
30 000 000
1939 (1943)
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
33 909 000
15 324 000
Jump to table :
Poland - Polish Provinces - Danzig - Zloty : Friedrich Wilhelm III (1801-1812) -
Poland - Danzig - Gulden : Danzig (1923-1937) -
Poland - Grand Duchy of Warszawa - Talar : Friedrich August I (1810-1814) -
Poland - Kingdom - Alexandre I : Regular issue (1816-1841) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - Krakow - Province : City (1761-1835) -
Poland - First occupation : Regular issue (1917-1918) -
Poland - Deuxième République : Regular issue (1923-1943) - Commemoratives (1925-1936) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - Posen - Kingdom : Friedrich Wilhelm III (1816-1817) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - East Prussia - Zloty : Friedrich Wilhelm II (1787-1806) - Friedrich III (1800-1811) -
Poland - Lodz - Mark : Ghetto (1942-1943) -
Poland • Commemoratives 1925-1936
Date 2 zlote 5 zlotych 5 zlotych 5 zlotych 10 zlotych 10 zlotych 10 zlotych 20 zlotych
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
5 zlotych - Poland5 zlotych - Poland
Adoption de la Constitution
#6323 • 1925
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
Boleslaw Chrobry
#21761 • 1925
20 zlotych - Poland20 zlotych - Poland
Boleslaw Chrobry
#21762 • 1925
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
5 zlotych - Poland5 zlotych - Poland
Révolution de 1830
#6325 • 1930
1 000 200
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
#6331 • 1933
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
Romuald Traugutt
#6332 • 1933
SP 1933
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
2 zlote - Poland2 zlote - Poland
Port de Gdynia
#6322 • 1936
3 918 000
5 zlotych - Poland5 zlotych - Poland
Port de Gdynia
#6329 • 1936
1 000 000
Jump to table :
Poland - Polish Provinces - Danzig - Zloty : Friedrich Wilhelm III (1801-1812) -
Poland - Danzig - Gulden : Danzig (1923-1937) -
Poland - Grand Duchy of Warszawa - Talar : Friedrich August I (1810-1814) -
Poland - Kingdom - Alexandre I : Regular issue (1816-1841) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - Krakow - Province : City (1761-1835) -
Poland - First occupation : Regular issue (1917-1918) -
Poland - Deuxième République : Regular issue (1923-1943) - Commemoratives (1925-1936) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - Posen - Kingdom : Friedrich Wilhelm III (1816-1817) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - East Prussia - Zloty : Friedrich Wilhelm II (1787-1806) - Friedrich III (1800-1811) -
Poland - Lodz - Mark : Ghetto (1942-1943) -
Poland • First Issue 1990-2025
Date 1 grosz 2 grosze 5 groszy 10 groszy 20 groszy 50 groszy 1 zloty 2 zlote 5 zlotych
1990 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
1 grosz - Poland1 grosz - Poland
Troisième République - Type 1
#6382 • 1990-2014
29 140 000
2 grosze - Poland2 grosze - Poland
Troisième République - Type 1
#6383 • 1990-2014
34 400 000
5 groszy - Poland5 groszy - Poland
Troisième République - Type 1
#6384 • 1990-2014
70 240 000
10 groszy - Poland10 groszy - Poland
Troisième République - Type 1
#6385 • 1990-2016
43 055 000
20 groszy - Poland20 groszy - Poland
Troisième République - Type 1
#6386 • 1990-2016
25 100 000
50 groszy - Poland50 groszy - Poland
Troisième République - Type 1
#6387 • 1990-2016
29 150 000
1 zloty - Poland1 zloty - Poland
Troisième République - Type 1
#6388 • 1990-2016
20 240 000
1991 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
79 000 000
97 410 000
171 040 000
123 164 000
75 400 000
99 120 000
60 080 000
1992 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
362 000 000
157 000 000
103 784 000
210 005 000
106 100 000
116 000 000
102 240 000
1993 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
80 780 000
20 280 000
80 240 000
20 900 000
1994 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
100 000 000
69 950 000
2 zlote - Poland2 zlote - Poland
Troisième République
#6389 • 1994-2025
79 644 000
5 zlotych - Poland5 zlotych - Poland
Troisième République
#6390 • 1994-2025
112 896 000
1995 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
102 280 109
101 600 000
99 740 000
122 880 000
1996 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
29 740 000
52 940 000
1997 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
103 080 002
92 400 000
59 750 000
Date 1 grosz 2 grosze 5 groszy 10 groszy 20 groszy 50 groszy 1 zloty 2 zlote 5 zlotych
1998 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
255 830 003
154 840 000
93 472 000
62 695 000
52 500 000
1999 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
204 470 000
187 900 000
99 024 000
47 040 000
25 980 000
2000 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
211 410 000
92 400 000
75 600 000
104 060 000
52 130 000
2001 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
210 000 000
86 100 000
67 360 000
62 820 000
41 980 000
2002 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
240 000 000
83 910 000
67 200 000
10 500 000
10 500 000
2003 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
250 000 000
80 000 000
48 000 000
31 500 000
20 400 000
2004 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
300 000 000
100 000 000
62 500 000
70 500 000
40 000 000
2005 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
375 000 000
163 003 000
113 000 000
94 000 000
37 000 000
5 000 000
2006 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
184 000 000
105 000 000
54 000 000
40 000 000
35 000 000
5 000 000
2007 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
330 000 000
160 000 000
116 000 000
100 000 000
68 000 000
20 000 000
Date 1 grosz 2 grosze 5 groszy 10 groszy 20 groszy 50 groszy 1 zloty 2 zlote 5 zlotych
2008 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
316 000 000
172 000 000
107 000 000
103 000 000
91 000 000
13 000 000
5 000 000
15 000 000
5 000 000
2009 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
338 000 000
222 000 000
160 000 000
146 000 000
133 000 000
57 000 000
34 000 000
62 000 000
59 000 000
2010 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
150 000 000
120 000 000
100 000 000
62 000 000
45 000 000
12 000 000
3 000 000
15 000 000
30 000 000
2011 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
270 000 000
150 000 000
90 000 000
80 000 000
15 000 000
10 000 000
10 000 000
2012 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
365 000 000
100 000 000
60 000 000
50 000 000
38 000 000
12 000 000
10 000 000
2013 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
323 000 000
150 000 000
75 000 000
142 000 000
36 000 000
30 000 000
21 000 000
2014 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
86 000 000
20 000 000
15 000 000
88 000 000
46 000 000
28 400 000
35 250 000
28 000 000
2015 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
112 050 000
78 030 000
44 010 000
39 000 000
34 350 000
38 040 000
2016 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
116 700 000
69 120 000
28 980 000
29 775 000
35 150 000
35 040 000
2017 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
30 900 000
23 220 000
Date 1 grosz 2 grosze 5 groszy 10 groszy 20 groszy 50 groszy 1 zloty 2 zlote 5 zlotych
2018 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
37 425 000
2019 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
27 975 000
2020 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
33 525 000
6 436 000
2021 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
40 950 000
39 480 000
2022 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
41 325 000
32 160 000
2023 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
40 000 000
25 000 000
2024 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
40 000 000
25 000 000
2025 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
50 000 000
25 000 000
Jump to table :
Poland - Polish Provinces - Danzig - Zloty : Friedrich Wilhelm III (1801-1812) -
Poland - Danzig - Gulden : Danzig (1923-1937) -
Poland - Grand Duchy of Warszawa - Talar : Friedrich August I (1810-1814) -
Poland - Kingdom - Alexandre I : Regular issue (1816-1841) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - Krakow - Province : City (1761-1835) -
Poland - First occupation : Regular issue (1917-1918) -
Poland - Deuxième République : Regular issue (1923-1943) - Commemoratives (1925-1936) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - Posen - Kingdom : Friedrich Wilhelm III (1816-1817) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - East Prussia - Zloty : Friedrich Wilhelm II (1787-1806) - Friedrich III (1800-1811) -
Poland - Lodz - Mark : Ghetto (1942-1943) -
Poland • First issue 1949
Date 1 grosz 2 grosze 5 groszy 10 groszy 20 groszy 50 groszy 1 zloty
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
1 grosz - Poland1 grosz - Poland
République populaire
#6348 • 1949
400 116 000
2 grosze - Poland2 grosze - Poland
République populaire
#6349 • 1949
300 106 000
5 groszy - Poland5 groszy - Poland
République populaire - Type 1
#6350 • 1949
300 000 000
10 groszy - Poland10 groszy - Poland
République populaire - Type 1
#6352 • 1949
200 000 000
20 groszy - Poland20 groszy - Poland
République populaire - Type 1
#6354 • 1949
133 283 000
50 groszy - Poland50 groszy - Poland
République populaire - Type 1
#6356 • 1949
109 000 000
1 zloty - Poland1 zloty - Poland
République populaire - Type 1
#6358 • 1949
87 053 000
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
200 000 000
31 047 000
197 472 000
59 393 000
43 000 000
Jump to table :
Poland - Polish Provinces - Danzig - Zloty : Friedrich Wilhelm III (1801-1812) -
Poland - Danzig - Gulden : Danzig (1923-1937) -
Poland - Grand Duchy of Warszawa - Talar : Friedrich August I (1810-1814) -
Poland - Kingdom - Alexandre I : Regular issue (1816-1841) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - Krakow - Province : City (1761-1835) -
Poland - First occupation : Regular issue (1917-1918) -
Poland - Deuxième République : Regular issue (1923-1943) - Commemoratives (1925-1936) -
Poland - People's republic : First issue (1949) - Second issue (1957-1985) - Third issue (1984-1988) - Fourth issue (1989-1990) - Commemoratives (1964-1994) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - Posen - Kingdom : Friedrich Wilhelm III (1816-1817) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - East Prussia - Zloty : Friedrich Wilhelm II (1787-1806) - Friedrich III (1800-1811) -
Poland - Lodz - Mark : Ghetto (1942-1943) -
Poland • Second issue 1957-1985
Date 5 groszy 10 groszy 20 groszy 50 groszy 1 zloty 2 zlote 5 zlotych 10 zlotych 10 zlotych 20 zlotych 20 zlotych
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
20 groszy - Poland20 groszy - Poland
République populaire - Type 2
#6362 • 1957-1985
3 940 000
50 groszy - Poland50 groszy - Poland
République populaire - Type 2
#6363 • 1957-1985
91 316 000
1 zloty - Poland1 zloty - Poland
République populaire - Type 2
#6365 • 1957-1985
58 631 000
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
5 groszy - Poland5 groszy - Poland
République populaire - Type 2
#6360 • 1958-1972
53 521 000
2 zlote - Poland2 zlote - Poland
République populaire - Fruits au revers
#6368 • 1958-1974
83 640 000
5 zlotych - Poland5 zlotych - Poland
République populaire - Fermier
#6372 • 1958-1974
1 328 000
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
28 564 000
7 170 000
56 811 000
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
Tadeusz Kosciuszko - Largest
#18519 • 1959-1966
13 107 000
1959 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
Mikolaj Kopernik - Largest
#18521 • 1959-1965
27 551 000
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
12 246 000
36 131 000
16 300 000
27 551 000
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
29 502 000
10 groszy - Poland10 groszy - Poland
République populaire - Type 2
#6361 • 1961-1985
73 400 000
53 108 000
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
90 257 000
25 362 000
19 140 000
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
20 878 000
40 434 000
41 217 000
Date 5 groszy 10 groszy 20 groszy 50 groszy 1 zloty 2 zlote 5 zlotych 10 zlotych 10 zlotych 20 zlotych 20 zlotych
1965 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
5 050 000
50 521 000
32 022 000
22 090 000
15 015 000
4 157 000
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
4 157 000
1966 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
70 749 000
23 860 000
18 185 000
1967 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
10 056 000
62 059 000
29 099 000
2 027 000
1 002 000
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
Mikolaj Kopernik - Smallest
#61732 • 1967-1969
2 128 000
1968 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
10 196 000
62 204 000
29 191 000
2 065 000
1 176 000
9 389 000
Varsaw Mint, Poland
No mintmark : Varsaw
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
Tadeusz Kosciuszko - Smallest
#61731 • 1969-1973
5 428 000
1969 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
71 566 000
40 227 000
3 024 000
8 612 000
1970 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
20 095 000
38 844 000
20 028 000
3 273 000
6 016 000
2 013 000
13 783 000
1971 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
20 000 000
50 000 000
20 000 000
7 000 000
6 000 000
3 000 000
1 000 000
12 000 000
1972 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
10 000 000
60 000 000
60 000 000
10 000 000
7 000 000
3 000 000
10 000 000
Date 5 groszy 10 groszy 20 groszy 50 groszy 1 zloty 2 zlote 5 zlotych 10 zlotych 10 zlotych 20 zlotych 20 zlotych
Kremnica Mint, Slovensky
No mintmark : Kremnica
50 000 000
20 zlotych - Poland20 zlotych - Poland
République populaire - Blé
#18538 • 1973-1976
25 000 000
1973 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
80 000 000
65 000 000
39 000 000
15 000 000
10 000 000
5 000 000
3 900 000
Kremnica Mint, Slovensky
No mintmark : Kremnica
50 000 000
12 000 000
1974 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
33 000 000
42 000 000
46 000 000
46 000 000
20 zlotych - Poland20 zlotych - Poland
Marceli Nowotko
#18539 • 1974-1983
10 000 000
Kremnica Mint, Slovensky
No mintmark : Kremnica
25 000 000
22 000 000
2 zlote - Poland2 zlote - Poland
République populaire - Epis au revers - Type 1
#6369 • 1975-1985
25 000 000
5 zlotych - Poland5 zlotych - Poland
République populaire - Revers simple - Type 1
#6373 • 1975-1985
25 000 000
10 000 000
1975 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
50 000 000
50 000 000
33 000 000
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
République populaire - Adam Micklewicz
#18537 • 1975-1976
35 000 000
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
République populaire - Boleslaw Prus
#18536 • 1975-1984
35 000 000
Kremnica Mint, Slovensky
No mintmark : Kremnica
25 000 000
22 000 000
60 000 000
60 000 000
20 000 000
1976 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
100 000 000
100 000 000
20 000 000
20 000 000
20 000 000
30 000 000
Kremnica Mint, Slovensky
No mintmark : Kremnica
50 000 000
50 000 000
1977 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
100 000 000
80 730 000
50 000 000
65 000 000
25 000 000
16 000 000
Date 5 groszy 10 groszy 20 groszy 50 groszy 1 zloty 2 zlote 5 zlotych 10 zlotych 10 zlotych 20 zlotych 20 zlotych
Kremnica Mint, Slovensky
No mintmark : Kremnica
18 600 000
16 400 000
2 600 000
1978 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
71 204 000
50 730 000
50 020 000
80 000 000
2 382 000
4 007 000
1979 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
73 191 000
45 252 000
85 752 000
5 098 000
BE 1979 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
1980 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
60 623 000
30 020 000
100 002 000
66 610 000
10 100 000
BE 1980 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
1981 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
70 000 000
60 082 000
4 082 000
40 306 000
4 008 000
2 655 000
BE 1981 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
1982 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
16 067 000
59 643 000
43 318 000
25 379 000
16 341 000
BE 1982 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
Date 5 groszy 10 groszy 20 groszy 50 groszy 1 zloty 2 zlote 5 zlotych 10 zlotych 10 zlotych 20 zlotych 20 zlotych
1983 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
9 600 000
50 005 000
39 672 000
49 641 000
35 249 000
30 536 000
14 248 000
1984 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
44 222 000
61 041 000
60 004 000
85 603 000
19 064 000
1985 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
9 957 000
16 232 000
49 057 000
167 944 000
100 305 000
20 506 000
Jump to table :
Poland - Polish Provinces - Danzig - Zloty : Friedrich Wilhelm III (1801-1812) -
Poland - Danzig - Gulden : Danzig (1923-1937) -
Poland - Grand Duchy of Warszawa - Talar : Friedrich August I (1810-1814) -
Poland - Kingdom - Alexandre I : Regular issue (1816-1841) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - Krakow - Province : City (1761-1835) -
Poland - First occupation : Regular issue (1917-1918) -
Poland - Deuxième République : Regular issue (1923-1943) - Commemoratives (1925-1936) -
Poland - People's republic : First issue (1949) - Second issue (1957-1985) - Third issue (1984-1988) - Fourth issue (1989-1990) - Commemoratives (1964-1994) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - Posen - Kingdom : Friedrich Wilhelm III (1816-1817) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - East Prussia - Zloty : Friedrich Wilhelm II (1787-1806) - Friedrich III (1800-1811) -
Poland - Lodz - Mark : Ghetto (1942-1943) -
Poland • Third issue 1984-1988
Date 50 groszy 1 zloty 2 zlote 5 zlotych 10 zlotych 20 zlotych
1984 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
République populaire - Aigle - Type 1
#6376 • 1984-1988
15 756 000
20 zlotych - Poland20 zlotych - Poland
République populaire - Aigle - Type 1
#6378 • 1984-1988
12 703 000
1985 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
5 282 000
15 514 000
1986 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
50 groszy - Poland50 groszy - Poland
République populaire - Type 3
#6364 • 1986-1987
45 796 000
1 zloty - Poland1 zloty - Poland
République populaire - Type 3
#6366 • 1986-1988
130 697 000
2 zlote - Poland2 zlote - Poland
République populaire - Epis au revers - Type 2
#6370 • 1986-1988
60 718 000
5 zlotych - Poland5 zlotych - Poland
République populaire - Revers simple - Type 2
#6374 • 1986-1988
57 108 000
31 043 000
37 959 000
BE 1986 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
1987 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
21 257 000
100 081 000
44 673 000
58 843 000
69 636 000
22 213 000
BE 1987 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
1988 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
96 400 000
94 651 000
18 668 000
102 493 000
14 994 000
BE 1988 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
Jump to table :
Poland - Polish Provinces - Danzig - Zloty : Friedrich Wilhelm III (1801-1812) -
Poland - Danzig - Gulden : Danzig (1923-1937) -
Poland - Grand Duchy of Warszawa - Talar : Friedrich August I (1810-1814) -
Poland - Kingdom - Alexandre I : Regular issue (1816-1841) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - Krakow - Province : City (1761-1835) -
Poland - First occupation : Regular issue (1917-1918) -
Poland - Deuxième République : Regular issue (1923-1943) - Commemoratives (1925-1936) -
Poland - People's republic : First issue (1949) - Second issue (1957-1985) - Third issue (1984-1988) - Fourth issue (1989-1990) - Commemoratives (1964-1994) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - Posen - Kingdom : Friedrich Wilhelm III (1816-1817) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - East Prussia - Zloty : Friedrich Wilhelm II (1787-1806) - Friedrich III (1800-1811) -
Poland - Lodz - Mark : Ghetto (1942-1943) -
Poland • Fourth issue 1989-1990
Date 1 zloty 2 zlote 5 zlotych 10 zlotych 20 zlotych 50 zlotych 100 zlotych
1989 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
1 zloty - Poland1 zloty - Poland
République populaire - Type léger
#6367 • 1989-1990
49 410 000
2 zlote - Poland2 zlote - Poland
République populaire - Epis au revers - Type 3
#6371 • 1989-1990
91 494 000
5 zlotych - Poland5 zlotych - Poland
République populaire - Revers simple - Type 3
#6375 • 1989-1990
30 253 000
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
République populaire - Aigle - Type 2
#6377 • 1989-1990
80 800 000
20 zlotych - Poland20 zlotych - Poland
République populaire - Aigle - Type 2
#6379 • 1989-1990
95 974 000
BE 1989 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
1990 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
30 667 000
40 723 000
38 248 000
106 892 000
104 712 000
50 zlotych - Poland50 zlotych - Poland
République populaire
#24563 • 1990
28 707 000
100 zlotych - Poland100 zlotych - Poland
République populaire
#6381 • 1990
37 341 000
BE 1990 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
Jump to table :
Poland - Polish Provinces - Danzig - Zloty : Friedrich Wilhelm III (1801-1812) -
Poland - Danzig - Gulden : Danzig (1923-1937) -
Poland - Grand Duchy of Warszawa - Talar : Friedrich August I (1810-1814) -
Poland - Kingdom - Alexandre I : Regular issue (1816-1841) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - Krakow - Province : City (1761-1835) -
Poland - First occupation : Regular issue (1917-1918) -
Poland - Deuxième République : Regular issue (1923-1943) - Commemoratives (1925-1936) -
Poland - People's republic : First issue (1949) - Second issue (1957-1985) - Third issue (1984-1988) - Fourth issue (1989-1990) - Commemoratives (1964-1994) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - Posen - Kingdom : Friedrich Wilhelm III (1816-1817) -
Poland - Polish Provinces - East Prussia - Zloty : Friedrich Wilhelm II (1787-1806) - Friedrich III (1800-1811) -
Poland - Lodz - Mark : Ghetto (1942-1943) -
Poland • Commemoratives 1964-1994
Date 10 zlotych 10 zlotych 20 zlotych 20 zlotych 50 zlotych 50 zlotych 50 zlotych 50 zlotych 100 zlotych 100 zlotych 200 zlotych 500 zlotych 500 zlotych 1000 zlotych 10000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 50000 zlotych
1964 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
Université Jagiello
#18523 • 1964
2 610 000
1964 MW
Légende en creux
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
2 612 000
1965 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
Varsovie - 700 years - Nike
#18525 • 1965
3 492 000
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
Varsovie - 700 years - Colonne Sigmund
#18526 • 1965
2 000 000
Kremnica Mint, Slovensky
No mintmark : Kremnica
100 zlotych - Poland100 zlotych - Poland
Millénaire de la Pologne
#18558 • 1966
1966 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
Varsovie - 700 years - Colonne Sigismond III
#18527 • 1966
1967 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
Général Swierczewski
#18528 • 1967
2 000 000
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
Marie Curie
#18529 • 1967
2 000 000
1968 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
Armée Populaire - 25 years
#18530 • 1968
2 000 000
1969 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
République Populaire - 25 years
#18531 • 1969
2 000 000
Date 10 zlotych 10 zlotych 20 zlotych 20 zlotych 50 zlotych 50 zlotych 50 zlotych 50 zlotych 100 zlotych 100 zlotych 200 zlotych 500 zlotych 500 zlotych 1000 zlotych 10000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 50000 zlotych
1970 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
Annexion des Provinces de l'Ouest
#18532 • 1970
2 000 000
1971 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
#18533 • 1971
2 000 000
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
Bataille de Haute Silésie
#18534 • 1971
2 000 000
1972 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
10 zlotych - Poland10 zlotych - Poland
Fort de Gdynia
#18535 • 1972
2 000 000
BE 1972 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
Frederic Chopin
#62327 • 1972-1974
1974 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
20 zlotych - Poland20 zlotych - Poland
Comcon - 25 years
#18540 • 1974
2 000 000
200 zlotych - Poland200 zlotych - Poland
République - 30 years
#18568 • 1974
13 062 000
SP 1974 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
BE 1974 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
1975 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
20 zlotych - Poland20 zlotych - Poland
Année de la Femme
#18541 • 1975
2 000 000
200 zlotych - Poland200 zlotych - Poland
Victoire - 30 years
#18569 • 1975
1 826 000
BE 1975 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
1976 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
200 zlotych - Poland200 zlotych - Poland
Olympiades de Montréal
#18570 • 1976
2 469 000
Date 10 zlotych 10 zlotych 20 zlotych 20 zlotych 50 zlotych 50 zlotych 50 zlotych 50 zlotych 100 zlotych 100 zlotych 200 zlotych 500 zlotych 500 zlotych 1000 zlotych 10000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 50000 zlotych
BE 1976 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
Kremnica Mint, Slovensky
No mintmark : Kremnica
20 zlotych - Poland20 zlotych - Poland
#18543 • 1978
2 009 000
1978 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
20 zlotych - Poland20 zlotych - Poland
Maria Konopnicka
#18542 • 1978
2 010 000
Kremnica Mint, Slovensky
No mintmark : Kremnica
20 zlotych - Poland20 zlotych - Poland
Année de l'Enfance
#18544 • 1979
2 007 000
BE 1979
Kremnica Mint, Slovensky
No mintmark : Kremnica
1979 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
50 zlotych - Poland50 zlotych - Poland
Duc Mieszko I
#18547 • 1979
2 640 000
BE 1979 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
1980 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
20 zlotych - Poland20 zlotych - Poland
Olympiades de Moscou 1980
#18545 • 1980
2 012 000
20 zlotych - Poland20 zlotych - Poland
Daru Pomorza
#18546 • 1980
2 069 200
50 zlotych - Poland50 zlotych - Poland
Roi Boleslaw I
#18548 • 1980
2 564 000
50 zlotych - Poland50 zlotych - Poland
Duc Kazimierz I
#18549 • 1980
2 504 000
BE 1980 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
1981 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
50 zlotych - Poland50 zlotych - Poland
Général Broni Wladyslaw
#18550 • 1981
2 505 000
50 zlotych - Poland50 zlotych - Poland
Roi Boleslaw II
#18551 • 1981
2 538 000
50 zlotych - Poland50 zlotych - Poland
Roi Wladyslaw I Herman
#18552 • 1981
2 500 000
50 zlotych - Poland50 zlotych - Poland
#18553 • 1981
2 524 000
Date 10 zlotych 10 zlotych 20 zlotych 20 zlotych 50 zlotych 50 zlotych 50 zlotych 50 zlotych 100 zlotych 100 zlotych 200 zlotych 500 zlotych 500 zlotych 1000 zlotych 10000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 50000 zlotych
BE 1981 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
1982 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
50 zlotych - Poland50 zlotych - Poland
Roi Boleslaw III
#18554 • 1982
2 616 000
50 zlotych - Poland50 zlotych - Poland
Grand Théatre
#18555 • 1982
1000 zlotych - Poland1000 zlotych - Poland
John Paul II
#18573 • 1982-1983
BE 1982 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
1983 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
50 zlotych - Poland50 zlotych - Poland
Roi Jan III
#18556 • 1983
2 576 000
50 zlotych - Poland50 zlotych - Poland
Ignacy Lukasiewicz
#18557 • 1983
1 530 000
BE 1983 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
1984 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
100 zlotych - Poland100 zlotych - Poland
Wincentry Witos
#18559 • 1984
1 530 000
100 zlotych - Poland100 zlotych - Poland
République - 40 years
#18560 • 1984
2 595 000
1985 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
100 zlotych - Poland100 zlotych - Poland
Roi Przemyslaw II
#18561 • 1985
2 924 000
Hôpital pour femme
#18562 • 1985
1 927 000
1986 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
#18563 • 1986
2 540 000
100 zlotych - Poland100 zlotych - Poland
Roi Wladyslaw I
#18564 • 1986
2 540 000
BE 1986 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
1987 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
100 zlotych - Poland100 zlotych - Poland
Roi Kazimierz III
#18565 • 1987
2 479 000
10000 zlotych - Poland10000 zlotych - Poland
Visite papale
#18574 • 1987
Date 10 zlotych 10 zlotych 20 zlotych 20 zlotych 50 zlotych 50 zlotych 50 zlotych 50 zlotych 100 zlotych 100 zlotych 200 zlotych 500 zlotych 500 zlotych 1000 zlotych 10000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 50000 zlotych
BE 1987 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
1988 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
100 zlotych - Poland100 zlotych - Poland
Insurrection de Wielkopolskiego
#18566 • 1988
2 513 000
100 zlotych - Poland100 zlotych - Poland
Reine Jadwiga
#18567 • 1988
2 469 000
50000 zlotych - Poland50000 zlotych - Poland
Indépendance - 70 years
#18575 • 1988
1 000 000
BE 1988 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
1989 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
500 zlotych - Poland500 zlotych - Poland
Début de la Guerre - 60 years
#18571 • 1989
10 135 000
500 zlotych - Poland500 zlotych - Poland
Wladyslaw II Jagiello
#18572 • 1989
2 544 000
BE 1989 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
1990 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
10000 zlotych - Poland10000 zlotych - Poland
#18576 • 1990
15 164 000
BE 1990 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
1991 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
10000 zlotych - Poland10000 zlotych - Poland
#18577 • 1991
2 605 000
1992 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
10000 zlotych - Poland10000 zlotych - Poland
Wladyslaw III
#18578 • 1992
2 500 000
1993 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
20000 zlotych - Poland20000 zlotych - Poland
#18579 • 1993
20000 zlotych - Poland20000 zlotych - Poland
Château de Lancut
#18580 • 1993
20000 zlotych - Poland20000 zlotych - Poland
Kazimierz VI
#18581 • 1993
1 500 000
20000 zlotych - Poland20000 zlotych - Poland
#18582 • 1993
Date 10 zlotych 10 zlotych 20 zlotych 20 zlotych 50 zlotych 50 zlotych 50 zlotych 50 zlotych 100 zlotych 100 zlotych 200 zlotych 500 zlotych 500 zlotych 1000 zlotych 10000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 20000 zlotych 50000 zlotych
1994 MW
Varsaw Mint, Poland MW
Letters MW : MW - Varsaw
20000 zlotych - Poland20000 zlotych - Poland
#18583 • 1994
20000 zlotych - Poland20000 zlotych - Poland
Nouvel atelier
#18584 • 1994
20000 zlotych - Poland20000 zlotych - Poland
#18585 • 1994
20000 zlotych - Poland20000 zlotych - Poland
Zygmunt I
#18586 • 1994
1 500 000