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Azerbaijan Provinces 1767-1827

Table of vintages
Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan Provinces - Ganja • Khanate 1767-1802
Vintage 1 kazbeg 1/2 abbasi
١١٨١ (1767)
#32618 • 1767-1802 (1181-1216)
١١٨٢ (1768)
١١٨٨ (1774)
١١٩٦ (1781)
١٢٠٣ (1788)
١٢٠٤ (1789)
١٢٠٥ (1790)
١٢٠٦ (1791)
١٢٠٧ (1792)
Vintage 1 kazbeg 1/2 abbasi
١٢٠٨ (1793)
١٢١٥ (1800)
١٢١٦ (1801)
#32619 • 1801-1802 (1216)
Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan Provinces - Karabagh • Ibrahim Khalil Khan 1782-1808
Vintage 1/2 bisti 1/2 abbasi 1 abbasi 1 abbasi
N.D. (1782)
Ibrahim Khalil Khan - Lion à gauche
#32688 • 1782 (ND)
١١٩٨ (1783)
Ibrahim Khalil Khan - Lion à droite
#32689 • 1783-1784 (1198)
١٢٠٩ (1794)
Ibrahim Khalil Khan
#32690 • 1794-1795 (1209)
١٢١٤ (1799)
Ibrahim Khalil Khan - Premier type
#32692 • 1799-1801 (1214-1215)
Mahdi Quli Khan Muzatfar - Deuxième type
#32694 • 1799-1803 (1214-1217)
١٢١٥ (1800)
١٢١٦ (1801)
١٢١٧ (1802)
١٢٢٢ (1807)
Ibrahim Khalil Khan - Second type
#32691 • 1807-1808 (1222)
Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan Provinces - Karabagh • Mahdi Quli Khan Muzatfar 1806-1823
Vintage 1 abbasi 1 abbasi
١٢٢١ (1806)
Mahdi Quli Khan Muzatfar - Premier type
#32693 • 1806-1813 (1221-1228)
١٢٢٢ (1807)
١٢٢٣ (1808)
١٢٢٤ (1809)
١٢٢٦ (1811)
١٢٢٨ (1813)
Mahdi Quli Khan Muzatfar - Troisième type
#32695 • 1813-1823 (1228-1238)
١٢٢٩ (1813)
١٢٣٠ (1814)
١٢٣١ (1815)
Vintage 1 abbasi 1 abbasi
١٢٣٢ (1816)
١٢٣٣ (1817)
١٢٣٤ (1818)
١٢٣٥ (1819)
١٢٣٦ (1820)
١٢٣٧ (1821)
١٢٣٨ (1822)
Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan Provinces - Qubba • Qubba 1777-1809
Vintage 1 abbasi
١١٩١ (1777)
#32462 • 1777-1809 (1191-1223)
١٢١٣ (1798)
١٢١٤ (1799)
١٢٢١ (1806)
١٢٢٣ (1808)
Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan Provinces - Sheki • Muhammad Hasan Khan 1798-1803
Vintage 1 abbasi
١٢١٣ (1798)
Muhammad Hasan Khan
#32821 • 1798-1803 (1213-1217)
١٢١٤ (1799)
١٢١٥ (1800)
١٢١٦ (1801)
١٢١٧ (1802)
Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan Provinces - Sheki • Mustafa Khan 1803-1807
Vintage 1 abbasi 1 abbasi 1 abbasi
١٢١٨ (1803)
Mustafa Khan - Premier type
#32822 • 1803-1806 (1218-1220)
١٢١٩ (1804)
١٢٢٠ (1805)
Muhammad Hasan Khan - Deuxième type
#32824 • 1805-1806 (1220)
50 000
Muhammad Hasan Khan - Troisième type
#32823 • 1805-1807 (1220-1221)
١٢٢١ (1806)
Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan Provinces - Sheki • Ja'Far Quli Khan 1806-1819
Vintage 1 bisti 1 bisti 1 abbasi
١٢٢١ (1806)
Ja'Far Quli Khan - Premier type
#32825 • 1806-1814 (1221-1229)
١٢٢٢ (1807)
1 abbasi - Azerbaijan1 abbasi - Azerbaijan
Ja'Far Quli Khan
#32827 • 1807-1816 (1222-1231)
١٢٢٣ (1808)
١٢٢٥ (1810)
١٢٢٦ (1811)
١٢٢٧ (1812)
١٢٢٨ (1813)
Ja'Far Quli Khan - Second type
#32826 • 1813-1819 (1228-1233)
١٢٢٩ (1813)
١٢٣٠ (1814)
Vintage 1 bisti 1 bisti 1 abbasi
١٢٣١ (1815)
١٢٣٣ (1818)
Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan Provinces - Sheki • Ismail Khan 1816-1818
Vintage 1 abbasi
١٢٣٢ (1816)
Ismail Khan
#32828 • 1816-1818 (1232-1233)
١٢٣٣ (1817)
Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan Provinces - Sheki • Persian Occupation 1825-1827
Vintage 1 bisti 1 abbasi
١٢٤١ (1825)
Occupation perse
#32830 • 1825-1827 (1241-1242)
١٢٤٢ (1826)
Occupation perse
#32829 • 1826-1827 (1242)
Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan Provinces - Shemakhi • Khanate 1794-1821
Vintage 1 kazbeg 1 abbasi 1 abbasi
١٢٠٩ (1794)
#32630 • 1794-1821 (1209-1236)
١٢١٠ (1795)
١٢١١ (1796)
١٢١٢ (1797)
Mustafa Khan
#32631 • 1797-1808 (1212-1222)
١٢١٣ (1798)
١٢١٤ (1799)
١٢١٥ (1800)
١٢١٦ (1801)
Mustafa Khan
#32629 • 1801-1819 (1216-1234)
١٢١٧ (1802)
Vintage 1 kazbeg 1 abbasi 1 abbasi
١٢١٨ (1803)
١٢١٩ (1804)
١٢٢٠ (1805)
١٢٢١ (1806)
١٢٢٢ (1807)
١٢٢٣ (1808)
١٢٢٤ (1809)
١٢٢٥ (1810)
١٢٢٦ (1811)
١٢٢٧ (1812)
Vintage 1 kazbeg 1 abbasi 1 abbasi
١٢٢٨ (1813)
١٢٢٩ (1813)
١٢٣٠ (1814)
١٢٣١ (1815)
١٢٣٢ (1816)
١٢٣٣ (1817)
١٢٣٤ (1818)
١٢٣٥ (1819)
١٢٣٦ (1820)
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