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San Marino 1864-2001

Statistics and collection
Statistics : General numbers
Total :
Circulate :
No circulate :
Proof :
Cameo :
Types :
Vintages :
Productions :
95 686 125
69 167 029
23 740 249
441 600
Collected :
Missing :
Acquired :
Types :
Vintages :
Below, you have pictures of date actually on the catalog. All date are not illustrated. Click on date for deploy large picture.
Image rights :
- All images are propriety of Coin des Monnaies, except each with specific mention.
- You can use them for a domestic use, or for information. We just will appreciate you add a mention or / and a link to this page for each use ! Thanks you !!
- For a commercial use, please, contact us at
We can refuse the use of these images in very specific cases. If you are not sure, you can always ask us! We favor the dissemination of information and numismatic knowledge, you will have a good chance of obtaining a benevolent response!
Countries : LireCollection issues

Lire of San Marino [ see currency ]
Metal coins : 5 centesimi 10 centesimi 50 centesimi 1 lira 2 lire 5 lire 10 lire 20 lire50 lire100 lire200 lire500 lire1000 lire
San Marino - Lire - 50 lire - Histoire - 19142
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San Marino - Lire - 50 lire - Légende - 19147
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San Marino - Lire - 50 lire - Civils - 19148
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San Marino - Lire - 50 lire - Descartes - 19149
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San Marino - Lire - 50 lire - Sculpture - 19150
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San Marino - Lire - 50 lire - Technologie - 19151
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San Marino - Lire - 50 lire - Voilier - 19152
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San Marino - Lire - 50 lire - Egalité - 19153
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No pictures available for this type...
Countries : LireCollection issues

Lire of San Marino [ see currency ]
Metal coins : 5 centesimi 10 centesimi 50 centesimi 1 lira 2 lire 5 lire 10 lire 20 lire 50 lire100 lire200 lire500 lire1000 lire
San Marino - Lire - 100 lire - Saint Marin - 19155
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100 lire - San Marino100 lire - San Marino
1972 R
San Marino - Lire - 100 lire - Bateau - 19156
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100 lire - San Marino100 lire - San Marino
San Marino - Lire - 100 lire - Chèvre - 19157
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100 lire - San Marino100 lire - San Marino
1974 R
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100 lire - San Marino100 lire - San Marino
Image of type :
100 lire - San Marino100 lire - San Marino
1976 R
San Marino - Lire - 100 lire - FAO - 19160
Image of type :
100 lire - San Marino100 lire - San Marino
1977 R
San Marino - Lire - 100 lire - Bêcheur - 19161
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100 lire - San Marino100 lire - San Marino
San Marino - Lire - 100 lire - Casque - 19162
Image of type :
100 lire - San Marino100 lire - San Marino
Image of type :
100 lire - San Marino100 lire - San Marino
San Marino - Lire - 100 lire - Somnambule - 19164
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100 lire - San Marino100 lire - San Marino
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Image of type :
100 lire - San Marino100 lire - San Marino
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No pictures available for this type...
Image of type :
100 lire - San Marino100 lire - San Marino
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San Marino - Lire - 100 lire - Histoire - 19172
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100 lire - San Marino100 lire - San Marino
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San Marino - Lire - 100 lire - Légende - 19177
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San Marino - Lire - 100 lire - Civils - 19178
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San Marino - Lire - 100 lire - Rousseau - 19179
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San Marino - Lire - 100 lire - Danse - 19180
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San Marino - Lire - 100 lire - La Physique - 19181
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San Marino - Lire - 100 lire - Grotte - 19182
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San Marino - Lire - 100 lire - Ecologie - 19183
Image of type :
100 lire - San Marino100 lire - San Marino
Image of type :
100 lire - San Marino100 lire - San Marino
Countries : LireCollection issues

Lire of San Marino [ see currency ]
Metal coins : 5 centesimi 10 centesimi 50 centesimi 1 lira 2 lire 5 lire 10 lire 20 lire 50 lire100 lire200 lire500 lire1000 lire
San Marino - Lire - 200 lire - Tisserand - 19215
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200 lire - San Marino200 lire - San Marino
1978 R
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200 lire - San Marino200 lire - San Marino
Image of type :
200 lire - San Marino200 lire - San Marino
1980 R
San Marino - Lire - 200 lire - Griffon - 19218
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200 lire - San Marino200 lire - San Marino
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No pictures available for this type...
No pictures available for this type...
No pictures available for this type...
San Marino - Lire - 200 lire - Transistor - 19223
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No pictures available for this type...
No pictures available for this type...
San Marino - Lire - 200 lire - Histoire - 19226
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200 lire - San Marino200 lire - San Marino
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Image of type :
200 lire - San Marino200 lire - San Marino
1991 R
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200 lire - San Marino200 lire - San Marino
1992 R
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200 lire - San Marino200 lire - San Marino
1993 R
San Marino - Lire - 200 lire - Légende - 19231
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200 lire - San Marino200 lire - San Marino
1994 R
San Marino - Lire - 200 lire - Civils - 19232
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200 lire - San Marino200 lire - San Marino
1995 R
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200 lire - San Marino200 lire - San Marino
San Marino - Lire - 200 lire - Peinture - 19234
Image of type :
200 lire - San Marino200 lire - San Marino
1997 R
San Marino - Lire - 200 lire - Zoologie - 19235
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San Marino - Lire - 200 lire - Exploration - 19236
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No pictures available for this type...
Image of type :
200 lire - San Marino200 lire - San Marino
Countries : LireCollection issues

Lire of San Marino [ see currency ]
Metal coins : 5 centesimi 10 centesimi 50 centesimi 1 lira 2 lire 5 lire 10 lire 20 lire 50 lire100 lire200 lire500 lire1000 lire
Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
1972 R
Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
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Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
1976 R
San Marino - Lire - 500 lire silver - FAO - 19190
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500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
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No pictures available for this type...
Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
1982 R
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Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
1983 R
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Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
1984 R
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Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
1985 R
San Marino - Lire - 500 lire - Ordinateur - 19243
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500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
1986 R
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500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
1987 R
Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
San Marino - Lire - 500 lire - Histoire - 19246
Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
1989 R
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500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
1990 R
Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
1991 R
Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
1992 R
Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
1993 R
San Marino - Lire - 500 lire - Légende - 19251
Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
1994 R
San Marino - Lire - 500 lire - Civils - 19252
Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
1995 R
San Marino - Lire - 500 lire - Hegel - 19253
Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
1996 R
San Marino - Lire - 500 lire - Musique - 19254
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San Marino - Lire - 500 lire - Chimie - 19255
Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
1998 R
San Marino - Lire - 500 lire - Exploration - 19256
Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
1999 R
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2001 R
Countries : LireCollection issues

Lire of San Marino [ see currency ]
Metal coins : 5 centesimi 10 centesimi 50 centesimi 1 lira 2 lire 5 lire 10 lire 20 lire 50 lire100 lire200 lire500 lire1000 lire
Image of type :
1000 lire - San Marino1000 lire - San Marino
1997 R
San Marino - Lire - 1000 lire - Géologie - 19289
Image of type :
1000 lire - San Marino1000 lire - San Marino
1998 R
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1000 lire - San Marino1000 lire - San Marino
1999 R
San Marino - Lire - 1000 lire - Colombe - 19291
Image of type :
1000 lire - San Marino1000 lire - San Marino
Image of type :
1000 lire - San Marino1000 lire - San Marino
Countries : LireCollection issues

Lire of San Marino [ see currency ]
Metal coins : 500 lire1000 lire5000 lire
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San Marino - Collection issues - 500 lire silver - Coupe du Monde 1986 - 19199
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San Marino - Collection issues - 500 lire silver - Coupe du Monde 1990 - 19203
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San Marino - Collection issues - 500 lire silver - Vie sauvage - 19206
Image of type :
500 lire - San Marino500 lire - San Marino
San Marino - Collection issues - 500 lire silver - Coupe du Monde 1994 - 19207
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San Marino - Collection issues - 500 lire silver - Géologie - 19211
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Countries : LireCollection issues

Lire of San Marino [ see currency ]
Metal coins : 500 lire1000 lire5000 lire
San Marino - Collection issues - 1000 lire silver - Brunelleschi - 19259
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San Marino - Collection issues - 1000 lire silver - Tolstoy - 19260
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San Marino - Collection issues - 1000 lire silver - Unité Européenne - 19261
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San Marino - Collection issues - 1000 lire silver - Saint Bénédict - 19262
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San Marino - Collection issues - 1000 lire silver - Virgil - 19263
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San Marino - Collection issues - 1000 lire silver - Garibaldi - 19264
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San Marino - Collection issues - 1000 lire silver - Raphaël - 19265
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San Marino - Collection issues - 1000 lire silver - Bach - 19267
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San Marino - Collection issues - 1000 lire silver - Coupe du Monde 1986 - 19268
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No pictures available for this type...
San Marino - Collection issues - 1000 lire silver - Fortifications - 19272
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San Marino - Collection issues - 1000 lire silver - Histoire - 19273
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No pictures available for this type...
San Marino - Collection issues - 1000 lire silver - Coupe du Monde 1990 - 19275
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San Marino - Collection issues - 1000 lire silver - Colombe - 19277
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San Marino - Collection issues - 1000 lire silver - Aile - 19281
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San Marino - Collection issues - 1000 lire silver - Vie sauvage - 19282
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San Marino - Collection issues - 1000 lire silver - Première église - 19283
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San Marino - Collection issues - 1000 lire silver - Civils - 19284
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San Marino - Collection issues - 1000 lire silver - Karl R. Popper - 19285
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San Marino - Collection issues - 1000 lire silver - Plaque de Voyager - 19286
Image of type :
1000 lire - San Marino1000 lire - San Marino
Countries : LireCollection issues

Lire of San Marino [ see currency ]
Metal coins : 500 lire1000 lire5000 lire
San Marino - Collection issues - 5000 lire silver - Monde animal - 19209
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San Marino - Collection issues - 5000 lire silver - Médecine - 19292
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San Marino - Collection issues - 5000 lire silver - Système Solaire - 19212
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San Marino - Collection issues - 5000 lire silver - Union Européenne - 19293
Image of type :
5000 lire - San Marino5000 lire - San Marino
BE 1999 R
San Marino - Collection issues - 5000 lire silver - Nouvelle année - 19213
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San Marino - Collection issues - 5000 lire - Le Travail - 19257
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San Marino - Collection issues - 5000 lire silver - Enfants de l'Univers - 19294
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San Marino - Collection issues - 5000 lire silver - Fondation - 1700 years - 19214
No pictures available for this type...
Mints and mintmarks
This list presents all mints used on this page and attached mintmarks.
Letter R
Name : R - Roma
Confirmation of this action
You have a few sheets for this coin. If you confirm this action, you will loose all of these, and close all eventually related collection, sales and doubles.