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United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah1969-1970

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Accurate with following currencies :
United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah - 50 dirhams - Saqr bin Mohammed Al Qasimi - #CDM-51298
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50 dirhams - United Arab Emirates50 dirhams - United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah - 1 riyal silver - Saqr bin Mohammed Al Qasimi - #CDM-51299
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1 riyal - United Arab Emirates1 riyal - United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah - 2 riyals silver - Saqr bin Mohammed Al Qasimi - #CDM-51300
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2 riyals - United Arab Emirates2 riyals - United Arab Emirates
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2 1/2 riyals - United Arab Emirates2 1/2 riyals - United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah - 5 riyals silver - Saqr bin Mohammed Al Qasimi - #CDM-51301
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5 riyals - United Arab Emirates5 riyals - United Arab Emirates
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7 1/2 riyals - United Arab Emirates7 1/2 riyals - United Arab Emirates
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United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah - 7 1/2 riyals silver - Giacomo Agostini - #CDM-51303
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United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah - 7 1/2 riyals silver - Coupe Jules Rimet - #CDM-51308
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United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah - 10 riyals silver - Rome Capitale - 100 years - #CDM-51296
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BE 1970
United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah - 10 riyals silver - Coupe du Monde 1970 - #CDM-51316
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United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah - 10 riyals silver - Felice Gimondi - #CDM-51319
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United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah - 10 riyals silver - Dwight Eisenhower - #CDM-51320
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BE 1970 - ١٣٩٠
United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah - 15 riyals silver - Rome Capitale - 100 years - #CDM-51295
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BE 1970
United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah - 15 riyals silver - F.C. Inter de Milan - #CDM-51335
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United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah - 15 riyals silver - Coupe du Monde 1970 - #CDM-51336
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United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah - 50 riyals gold - Luigi Riva - #CDM-51337
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BE 1970
United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah - 75 riyals gold - Rome Capitale - 100 years - #CDM-51293
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BE 1970
United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah - 75 riyals gold - Giovanni Rivera - #CDM-51338
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United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah - 100 riyals gold - Rome Capitale - 100 years - #CDM-51292
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BE 1970
United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah - 100 riyals gold - Coupe du Monde 1970 - #CDM-51350
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BE 1970
United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah - 150 riyals gold - Rome Capitale - 100 years - #CDM-51290
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United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah - 150 riyals gold - Olympiades de Munich 1972 - #CDM-51291
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United Arab Emirates - Ras el Khaïmah - 200 riyals gold - Rome Capitale - 100 years - #CDM-51288
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No pictures available for this type...